
Oceans: a standalone game in the Evolution series

Created by North Star Games

Preorder Oceans, the next game in the Evolution series, here! You'll receive all unlocked stretch goals from the game's Kickstarter campaign, including $39 of content that won't be in the retail version. In addition, you can purchase any of the campaign's add-ons, some of which won't be available after the preorder period closes (on August 5)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 02, 2020 at 08:31:33 PM


Here is the original list of people that had not confirmed their address with FunForge.  Some of you have recently been in touch with FunForge. If so, everything is ok. You are all set.

  • ALEXANDRE BROCARD, Antoine BERTIER, Antoine Porras, Antony Matthieu, BUATHIER Elodie et Arnaud, dasse dasse, David Riffault, de billy Clement, Eric LEBIGOT, Eric Mougin, Eynard Gwendal, FARABOLINI (EFISA), Florian Tison, Guillaume Dabazach, Guillaume Dumont, Johann mayac, Jourdain Guillaume, Jun xue, Kusters Benoit, LOTITO ANTONIO, MONGE Camille, Morin Frederic, Pascal corbelletto, Philippe DUPOUE, Philippe GOMES, PIAT Hervé, Pierre Hendriks, Sebastien Duperrier, Stefen Gueguen, Thomas Provoost, Xavier Beaudlet

But if you have not yet been in contact with FunForge, please send an email to [email protected]. Claude will make sure you get your game.

~ Dominic

almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 08:42:34 AM

Cher Supporters d’Oceans,

Nous sommes ravis de lire les réponses enthousiastes de beaucoup d’entre vous qui ont, après une attente que nous savons était trop longue, commencé a recevoir vos jeux de notre partenaire FunForge que est responsable pour l’édition français d’Oceans.

Cependant, FunForge nous a communiqué qu’ils n’ont pas arrivé à communiquer avec plusieurs d’entre vous pour confirmer votre adresse actualisée enfin d’entamer la livraison.  Si vous n’avez pas encore reçu votre commande, nous vous prions de bien vouloir leur communiquer directement pour confirmer/actualiser votre adresse (Double adressé à : [email protected]).

Dans l’espoir que vous ayez tous les jeux en-main très bientôt,

[email protected]

Charles & Kris will head up the global Customer Service initiative
almost 4 years ago – Fri, May 29, 2020 at 11:44:12 AM

Welcome Charles and Kris to the Team

Charles and Kris are Kickstarter backers who have volunteered to head up our customer service initiative. Servicing over 70 countries with 44 items is a monumental task, so treat them nicely. They are saints. Jeffrey from NorthStar Digital will be working with them to solve your issues, and I will be supporting the three of them on the back end.

Mexico & South America

The Spanish and English editions of Oceans are expected to start going out to Mexico and South America next week. MasQueOca apologizes for the delay. The postal service has not been sending international orders due to COVID 19. 

French Edition to France  & Belgium

The publisher of the French edition of Oceans (FunForge) expects to start deliveries at the end of June. You can get the details on FunForge's Facebook Page.

Customer Service Issues for all other Countries

Each publisher will address customer service issues for the customers to whom they delivered games. If you have not yet received your game and you live in France, Belgium, Mexico, or South America, please see above. Your games should be coming soon.  Otherwise, read on...

If you ordered a German edition of Oceans, please go here:

If you ordered an Italian edition of Oceans, please go here: [email protected]

If you ordered a Spanish edition of Oceans: [email protected]

If you ordered an English edition of Oceans, please go here:

Charles and Kris have been going through the customer service spreadsheets from our previous updates. Many of your requests have been addressed, but much of the information is outdated. So while we know it is frustrating, we would ask everyone who still has an outstanding issue with their order to fill out the above form.

For the English edition, Charles, Kris, and Jeffrey will sort through the responses and coordinate with the fulfillment company that delivered your game.  Once we have delivered the needed items to your local fulfillment center, they will send out the missing/damaged components/add-ons. 

If you have any questions, you can reach out directly to Charles and Kris: [email protected]   

Putting Oceans Back in the Box

There are have been some inquiries about how to put everything back in the box. Here is a helpful video that was posted recently:

Thank you for your continued patience.  We will respond to each issue as quickly as possible. I have put all product releases on hold until we get this campaign finalized. 

~ Dominic Crapuchettes, lead designer of Oceans, Evolution, Wits & Wagers, and Say Anything

Timeline - Europe, Australia & New Zealand, French Canada, France, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, South America
about 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 09:46:51 PM

Spiral Galaxy

Spiral Galaxy has been shipping English language games to Europe. They have also been shipping the French, German, Italian, and Spanish language games to countries where the publisher does not resides (meaning German games to everywhere except Germany, etc).

Check your Junk Folder

If you fall in the above category, you should have already received an email confirming your current address. If you have not received an email, please check your Junk folder.

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, & Slovakia

2,268 orders will be going out to the above countries as soon as possible. As stated above, the timeline is slow due to an extremely reduced workforce. The goal is to get every game to backers before the end of May, but keep in mind that disruptions are unfortunately likely.

Norway & Switzerland

These games have been delivered. Please contact Spiral Galaxy if you have not received your package or a tracking email.

France - French language games

The container of French language games arrived in France on April 6th, but was selected by customs for scan and physical verification on April 14th. The scanning is now complete, but the timeline remains uncertain because of the pandemic disruptions. They will get sent to the fulfillment company, sorted, packaged, and shipped as soon as possible (on a much slower than normal schedule).

Canada - French games

97 people ordered French copies of Oceans in Canada.  The shipment arrived in Canada on April 16th and has now cleared customs.  The games should start shipping this week.

Australia & New Zealand

Aetherworks has already packaged and shipped all of the orders. Your games should be coming soon (if they have not already arrived).

I want to apologize again for allowing games to get into retail distribution before getting into the hands of our backers. I consider this the cardinal sin of KS campaign  and I'm horrified that we committed it. 

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal & Uruguay

English and Spanish games are being delivered to these countries by Masqueoca. They are dealing with a difficult situation due to COVID-19. I will post an update about these games as soon as I hear more. 



Now that most of you are in the process of getting your order, there are a few things I thought it would be nice to share.

Science Magazine

 Oceans was recently covered by Science Magazine and Science News. Pretty cool!

Evolution: Education Edition

For the past year, we've been working on an education-based version of our award-winning Evolution video game, adapting it for educators, students and families. Now more than ever, people need fun ways to engage with science while being secluded at home, so we are putting it at 50% off for the first 30 days. You can get more information here: 

That's about it for now. I hope you are all staying safe and not getting too stir crazy. Cheers!

~Dominic Crapuchettes, lead designer for Oceans & the Evolution series

April edition of a local magazine. Click to read about my adventures captaining a boat in Alaska.

Timeline Update: Spain, Mexico, Norway, Switzerland, South America and North America
about 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 03:06:32 AM

North Star Office

Maryland ordered non-essential businesses to close, effective at 5pm on Monday March 23rd. We will work from home whenever possible, but there are many things we will not be able to access. Please have patience as we work within the new constraints.  

Expect Delays

  • "It will be worth informing your backers that couriers are only making a single attempt to deliver before returning, so encourage them to pay attention to their tracking."
  • "Covid-19 is disrupting everything and all couriers have removed their service guarantee. They will try to deliver them during the normal delivery window, but severe delays are expected."


Spanish copies are on the water from China and should arrive on April 6th. There will likely be delays in customs, which means games are likely to arrive to backer in May.  Please see the Masqueoca blog:

Mexico & South America

Spanish and English copies will go out from Masqueoca. Please see their blog:


Switzerland & Norway

Good news! The orders have been pickup by the carrier, which means they are likely to arrive within the next 5 days. NOTE: Couriers are only making a single attempt to deliver before returning, so pay attention to your tracking.

North America - customer service

Customer service issues are being temporarily suspended.  I just received this email:

  • The State of Washington has decided we should shut down our business due to the coronavirus. As far as I can tell, the current order goes through 07 April. I will keep you posted as I learn more. As you can guess, we're in a little bit of flux right now, trying to get all physical shipping done before the doors get locked. We're also trying to figure out how to transition as much non-shipping business to a state where my staff can work from home during the shut down. Please be patient with us as we work through this challenge.


How to Put Components Away

There have been some questions about how to put the components back in the box. Put the Reef upside-down over the center cavity. The Oceans goes right side-up over the Reef. Here is a thread on the that discusses it:

Thank you for your patience as we work on getting your games to you as quickly as possible.

~ Dominic Crapuchettes, founder of North Star Games & lead designer of Oceans & Evolution